A fresh batch of photographic views (as opposed to your scribe's usual written ones) has arrived, and the stories they have to tell are many and varied. So let's get started (remember to click on the pics for the wide-screen view):

Well, that's it for now. Time to pop a fresh roll of film in the camera and see what else is going on around our fair Town.
Here are some pictures of Hamilton Avenue students and parents picketing the Board of Ed building after the unspeakable Betty Sternberg unilaterally shut the school down for a week so she could arrange busing schedules for them (bringing busing to Greenwich has been a primary objective of hers since day one; she is determined to destroy the neighborhood school system, the Gifted and Talented program, and anything else that might possibly inure to educational excellence in our Town). See the earlier post, Same Old, Same Mold, for more of the gory details.
Continuing the theme of Why Betty Sternberg Should be Tarred and Feathered and Ridden Out of Town on a Rail, here you can see some signage outside one of our local schools:
And here is some signage across from the library suggesting the direction that many of the staff wish that so-called Director Mario Gonzales would take:
These are the moldy modular classrooms that the Board of Ed foisted off on the Town by saying it would be more economical to buy them than to lease them (the original plan). Well, we own them, folks - aren't they lovely?
On a happier note, as it were, here we have Malcolm Archer and the Quiristers of Winchester College rehearsing a setting of "God Bless America" as an encore for their concert at Christ Church the next day. Malcolm addressed the assembled singers, one of whom was a woman faculty member, as "guys", showing that the Pond is continuing to shrink in size as we and the English borrow more and more of our speech mannerisms from each other.
Signs of spring at the Bush-Holley House:
And at the Yale library:
Below is one of the exhibits in the sculpture garden at the recently-renovated Yale Art Gallery. Behind the stone wall lies the fabled "Tomb" of Skull & Bones, several patriarchs of which were instrumental in saving back-country Greenwich, along with much of north Stamford, Bedford, and Pound Ridge, from being handed over to the United Nations in 1946 for a new international headquarters. Can you imagine what a mess that would have been, dear reader? Everything from the Audubon Society's tract to the Ward Pound Ridge Reservation would have been swallowed in its giant maw, not to mention a bunch of hapless towns and villages. Three cheers for the old-boy network of Skull & Bones!
This is a Salvador Dali unicorn at the newly-opened Galerie Zama. What's going on here? Is the lovely golden woman dead, or merely sleeping? What is the drop of liquid depending from the unicorn's horn? Is it blood? Some other bodily fluid? There is also a pendulum-like trickle coming down the front of the green brick wall; on the base a series of sundial-like lines reinforce the fact that this piece was part of a suite about time.
Well, that's it for now. Time to pop a fresh roll of film in the camera and see what else is going on around our fair Town.