Thursday, October 29, 2009

What Planet is Lin-Lin From?

Every time your scribe thinks Lin-Lin can't make herself appear any more ridiculous than she already has done, she manages to surprise him anew. Harken, dear reader, to her latest absurdity, prominently featured on the front page of today's issue (dated tomorrow, for reasons not easily fathomed) of the local weekly, Greenwich Citizen:

"In just a few days, Greenwich voters will walk alone into their voting booths...."

Yikes! When was the last time Lin-Lin voted in an election here in Greenwich? The voting booths have long since been done away with, and now we fill out paper ballots that are optically scanned at the polling station exit to verify that we have not made any glaring errors, such as voting for both candidates for First Selectman.

Your scribe finds this very troubling, dear reader. Lin-Lin claims she is a viable candidate for First Selectman, but she doesn't even know the proper procedure for voting for herself?! There is something seriously amiss here.

Well, unlike her hasty revisions to her web site after your scribe called her out on the factual misstatements therein, Lin-Lin will not be able to redact retroactively her boo-boo in the Greenwich Citizen. She can't even buy up the entire print run in order to destroy it, since the paper is given out free of charge. But if you happen to see her emptying out the paper boxes along Greenwich Avenue and elsewhere in Town, dear reader, you will know the reason why....


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