Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Let the Good Times...Mosey?

Yes, folks, last night saw the annual Mardi Gras celebration at Christ Church (that's "the Church of Christ" to those of you who listen to the World's Gassiest ChuckleHead, aka the feckless announcer at WGCH radio), but it was a far cry from earlier times. Attendance was less than a quarter of the usual, and the Chubby Checker Twist Contest was cancelled for lack of entrants. One imagines there were enough leftover pancakes to last between now and Easter.

There were a couple of cameos by members of the clergy, but your scribe did not see any of them sit down to eat - they came and went rather quickly. There was the usual Rector's gumbo soup, but no Rector to oversee its preparation. The always-popular costume parade by the children of the parish was a non-starter - there were hardly any children to be seen. Of those that were, I would give the palm to Buzz Moore's pixie-ish daughter Susie, who looked smashing in a snazzy reddish-purple velvet pantsuit outfit with slashed cuffs that went in every direction as she raced around the room.

No, dear reader, the Pied Piper had not made off with the children of Christ Church; their parents had. It's school vacation week, you see, and almost everyone has gone west to look for snow, or south to look for sun. No doubt by this time next week the youth of Greenwich will all be back looking bronzed and fit from their time on the slopes or the beaches.

Meanwhile, Lent has now officially begun, not that that means very much in these latter and rather pagan days. In this town of privilege and wealth and entitlement, you will not find many people giving things up for this season of penitence. No, dear reader, most will continue to act and drive as selfishly, eat and drink and party as heartily, and spend as obscenely and lavishly as the other 325 days of the year. After all, it's the Greenwich Way.


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